Course Design Grant

APPLICATION: Please complete this FORM

DEADLINE:  April 11, 2025 at 4PM CST


Increase the number of co-curricular activities available to students through designated SL courses. All courses designated for SL 1.) include learning outcomes directly related to experiential learning 2.) work with a community partner 3.) complete reflection assignment(s) on how experiential learning impacted their academic, personal, and professional growth.  


Resources Provided: 

Full-Time Faculty/Instructors who are selected to participate in the Service Learning Course Design will receive $4,000 extra compensation in accordance with extra compensation policy 440.2 (407.0). 


Criteria for Eligibility:   

  1. Must be an existing course, three credit hours or more, that has not been designated as Service Learning in the past 5 years.  
  2. Must be available to both honors and non-honors students. 
  3. Must work with a community partner who is identified at time of application. 
  4. Must include five hours dedicated to service component (in terms of development and delivery of project/material) for every one hour of course credit.  
  5. Must have confirmation from instructor’s department chair/program director that the instructor will assigned to teach the course as SL.  
  6. Must be able to justify one’s ability to fill the course. 
  7. Preference given to two courses per college, depending on the number of applications.  
  8. Must meet all other SL course designation criteria, including measurable learning outcomes 
  9. Agree to provide data on learning outcomes from the course related to Service Learning. 
  10. Agree to provide feedback / complete post survey about the course; results will be shared with the Provost’s office, Honor’s College, and SLI committee. 


Information required:  

  1. Application (Course) Title:    
  2. Applicant First Name:                                                       
  3. Applicant Last Name:  
  4. Email: 
  5. Phone:                                                                            
  6. University Address: 
  7. Course Title: 
  8. Course Alpha: 
  9. Course Number: 
  10. What is the next Semester and Year it will be taught:  
  11. Credit Hour(s):  
  12. Have you identified your community partner? ___ Yes     ___ No  If yes, please list here: 
  13. Number of required service hours for the course: 
  14. Is this class always taught with a service-learning component? ___ Yes     ___ No  
  15. Is the service learning component optional?  ___ Yes     ___ No 
  16. Will this course require the student to complete background checks? ___ Yes   ____ No *Note: If you are unsure, please contact Lisa Bowers ( 
  17. Expected number of students enrolled in the service learning section. ________ 
  18. Are you submitting a syllabus along with this application?   ___ Yes     ___ No 
  19. Course Description (copy from existing syllabus): 
  20. Learning Objectives (copy from existing syllabus): 
  21. Co-Applicant(s):  



Please answer the questions below related to the criteria.  

Criterion:  A service learning course demonstrates a clear and articulated connection between service activity and course content.  

Please describe the connection between the course content and the service learning activity. 

Criterion: Service learning activity supports attainment of one or more course learning objectives. 

Please explain how the service learning activities support the attainment of one or more course learning objectives. 

 Criterion:  Service learning addresses a community (which includes schools, organizations, agencies and companies that comply with the rules of University of Arkansas) need through formal collaborations with program‐identified appropriate partners. 

Please explain how the service learning activity addresses a community need and the role of the student in the activity. 

 Criterion: Service learning involves training for students before working with partners. 

Please explain how the students will be prepared to work with the community partners.  

 Criterion: Service learning involves structured student reflection. 

Please describe how reflection is incorporated into the course.  

 In 2-3 sentences can you summarize for us the specific value that is added to your course by including the service learning component? Please be specific, this information in part will help us market your course.   



Please answer the questions below related assessment.  

What assessment activities or final work products are you considering, to help students connect the academic and service components of the course? 

Final paper  

Class presentation 

Class poster  

Presentation outside of UA (indicate location) 

Other (please explain) 

 Are you willing to share assessment activities or final work products with the Service Learning Committee? 


Your Department Chair’s name and email (they will be contacted to confirm that course will be taught).  



Proposals that include all basic criteria in application will be reviewed.  

Proposals need to be submitted through Forms by November 8, 2024.  

Reviews will be conducted by the full Service Learning Committee and recipients will be notified by November 22, 2024.   


Review Rubric: 

 Review will be based on answers to application questions.  


Required Components:  

Possible points 

There is a clear description of connection between the course content and the service learning activity.  


The service activity supports learning outcomes 


Learning outcomes are measurable 


The service activity meets community need 


Evidence that students will be prepared to work with community partners 


Evidence that reflection connects academic and service components of the course 


Appropriate reflection / final work(s) are required 


Semester being taught (2025 preferred) 


Total possible points 



Fund Distribution: 

Faculty who are selected to participate in the Service Learning Course Design will receive $4,000 one-time extra compensation in accordance with extra compensation policy 440.2 (407.0) after they have 1. taught they newly designated course for one semester 2. provided data on learning outcomes from the course related to Service Learning 3. completed a post survey about the course.